The Professor Ian Plimer Fighting Fund

(see SGA News N. 4, November 1997)

Prof. I. Plimer, Head of the School of Earth Sciences in the University of Melbourne (Australia) and former SGA President, has been engaged in a dispute with the Creationist movement since 1988. Creationism is a fundamentalist movement which claims that the Bible is the only correct source of information regarding the evolution of our planet.

Accordingly the Earth was created 6,000 years ago and partly devastated by the great flood 2,000 years later. Creationists' efforts are mainly directed at the school system. Being committed to education, Prof. I. Plimer felt that he had "to take a public stand against Creationism". Litigation continued up to the Federal Court of Australia and judgement was handed down in summer 1997. Prof. I. Plimer found he had lost a major part of the case and was likely to face a cost order of $A 400,000. However, he has decided to appeal.

In support to the legal battle of Prof. I. Plimer "The Prof. I. R. Plimer Fighting Fund" has been instituted in Broken Hill (Australia) under the administration of the Mayor of Broken Hill, Mr. Peter Black, and the Reverend Brian Nicholls of the United Church of Australia.

In addition to the account at the Broken Hill Credit Union, Broken Hill, NSW (Australia) (see SGA News N. 4, November 1997), donations can now be payed to

Bayerische Vereinsbank München,
BLZ 700 202 70 account N. 419 19 612

to facilitate payments from European countries.

Please continue to support the Fund: your help is urgently required.

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